
"There she is! THERE she IS!"

The guys at CBS Digital have crafted a new Enterprise model, and more importantly have done some serious-ass work on figuring out artistic lighting design for model shots. I now officially withdraw any complaints I might've made in my three posts on the topic (1, 2, 3).

Take a look at the shots from "The Trouble with Tribbles"[TOR] . . . damn that's a fine ship. For comparison, I'm including some similar shots from other remastered episodes . . . if you have to ask which is which you're frakking blind.


Author said...

I knew that shot of the Enterprise leaving K-7 was evocative of some movie shots, and I finally figured it out:


The lighting and orientation are very close, but I swear the TOR shot looks better. This shot is also pretty close in some ways:


. . . but though it has the station in the background it was the other shot I was thinking of.

Anonymous said...


Here's a VFX Reel on YouTube containing the I.S.S. Enterprise remastered:


Another Anonymous

Author said...

Yummy. I can't frickin' wait for the Blu-Rays.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the right engine on the top shot is on a bad angle...

Anonymous said...

I must admit that looks nice.

Not that I couldn't live with the oh-so-campy effects of the original series, but this does look nice :)

Anonymous said...

A VFX reel on YouTube recorded from the remastered episode of "Space Seed" [TOS]:


Another Anonymous

Anonymous said...

this has very little to do with the post but...I found this on youtube dont know how many have seen in not your typical star trek vs star wars scenario sort of a prequel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmY4BmxRaBo