
Peculiar DNA Factoid

There are parts of the genetic code that are being called "ultraconserved regions" which, despite having no known purpose, have survived aeons and remain unchanged.

I'm pretty sure the DNA sequences will also fit together into funny shapes and, when completed, happen to contain extensive holographic imagery of this chick.


Anonymous said...

And people thought the end of that episode was far fetched.

Anonymous said...

Sandyin it's not as far fetched as some magical man flying through the sky creating everything with his magic.

Anonymous said...

Testing... one two three... testing

Anonymous said...

You'll get no argument from me.

Anonymous said...

"There are parts of the genetic code that are being called "ultraconserved regions" which, despite having no known purpose, have survived aeons and remain unchanged."

Polymerase-enzymes don't get paid to think, just replicate.
The body also has parts that no longer serve any purpose, like the appendix and tailbone; unless something causes a part to stop being passed on to offspring.

Also some things serve a function that we simply don't know about or understand: if scientists had their way, humanity would be a race of people who were capable of scoring high on IQ-tests, but very little else.